Magnanimously homeschooling, worshiping, creating.......

Join us on a journey of faith, healing, learning to live with part of our hearts missing, and recovery, as our family rebuilds our lives, after our son's long battle with cancer....and his eventual rise on eagle's wings into Heaven...victory is his...he is serving the King!!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

fever admit Jan

I am just letting you know that my precious little brave boy has been admitted with a fever, but he doing well. This one is nothing scary like our Nov. 08 one was...whoa.

He was sick when he went to bed Friday night, very tired, warm, but no fever. He was up before me Sat. AM and I made him go back to bed. He slept for a couple more hours and when I checked on him again he was quite warm, low grade fever. Then we had to recheck per protocol and it was slightly higher, so we called IC and they said to come in. Before we left he was up to 102 F. He was sleepy and tired and hoarse but doing well.
I was so glad that my man was home and it was Sat. We were all able to go up together and be with him. That was a nice change to the lonely dark night trips up there...whooo.
Anyway, at first he actually looked like he had a virus, his ears were perfect, throat only slightly red, fever, but once they hooked him up he started chilling and fever spiked way they started fluids 700cc/hour (lots) and watched him real close. Here he was real yucky. This indicates possible bacterial infection and means he is much sicker than they thought at first, but we got the antibiotic going and the fluids which guard against the blood pressure bottoming out with all the sudden bacterial deaths. They drew cultures and so on. Pretty routine, nothing weird or that worried them.
Does that all make sense? Clear as mud?
I talked to Glenn and he had a good night and is much better now and even last night. I was able to sleep in my bed one last night, thank the Lord.
I will keep you posted and I thank you all for keeping up with us.

Did you know that we only have 104 days of treatment left??

Here is a few verses from a song that I am just going to have to sing (Debbo)when B gets back and well enough.

On My Knees Lyrics
Artist (Band): Nicole C. Mullen

There are days,
When I feel
The best of me
Is ready to begin
Then they're days,
When I feel
I'm letting go,
And soaring on the wind
But I've learned in laughter or in pain,
How to survive

I get on my knees
I get on my knees
there I am before the Love that
Changes me
See, I don't know how,
But there's power
when I’m on my knees

That's how it is here sometimes...some days you get a feeling of 'normal' what ever that is..then...everything is blowing in the wind..
And there's power when you get on your knees too...

Love you guys and love hearing from you. I may have to be up there all week and it does get lonely in a weird way and then there is my feet, but I will be fine...B has it worse than I. He is so tough though. I am going to get things cleaned and organized for Glenn and the kids this week. We have the extra challenge of a sick grandma and GG so the men will be running the show here. Pray for those ladies too and I know it is killing my mom not to be able to help out! We're ok mom..we love you!

Love me.

Friday, January 29, 2010

wavy fields of crazy crochet goodness

It took me awhile to get this on here but I did finally finish Secret Agent's (3rd son) crazy color requested crochet blanket. Now each child has their own crazy crochet, except I did officially do a ripple for Damsel girl. I actually ended up making this one super wide. The weird color combo he requested actually turned out pretty well in the end.

It amazes me how God makes us all so different, each child so unique with his own taste and preference. You see, I have never hated red but never felt any kinship with it. Never chose it often. My two oldest sons tended toward blues and greens. I am always a bit more swayed by deep eggplant rich purples. But Agent has always loved RED. He is drawn toward it. Loves it.
Well, here he is wrapped in it's wavy soft, goodness. I love it. He loves it! That is the most important part. Don't they together just make you want to reach out and eat 'em up? (my kids don't like me to say that after a certain age) :) I don't think I can ever stop though.

Monday, January 25, 2010

fine arts festival 2010

I love the fine arts festival. It is a great way to show all the hard work these kids do to learn their craft and an opportunity to perform for others while honoring and glorifying the Lord. After listening to 2 different groups with a brief intermission, we head downstairs for a display of various art projects and refreshments.
I LOVE it. We haven't been there consistently over the last 2 or 3 years due to obvious reasons. Even this year I didn't have it together enough to have the boys ready with a recitation. Next year things will be different.
Everyone playing or reciting there blesses me, but when they get to the kids who have been playing for can I say? I can only praise God for what he has created us to be able to do! The music is so intense and pleasing to the the soul!

Now, I am about to present some photos of my children's art here. Beware. No bragging or pride intended, more like, I want to document them and share them with people who do want to see it. I hope you enjoy a peek. I was actually quite shocked that we even had this much to showcase, once we gathered things together.

Here is a video of our damsel girl playing for the recital. Someday I will remember that I cannot turn a video...I promise, so please enjoy while you relax your head sideways...:)

Ok, I am experiencing technical difficulties, so hang in there.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

college transcripts

I am fine tuning transcripts here! I have kept them up ever so casually over the last 3 1/2 years. Now I am preparing them for final preparedness to send to a potential future college school. It hasn't, honestly, been all that terribly hard to do. An extremely specialized school with many specialized needs might require different, extreme details. That can be produced if needed. I suppose that many kids would know that bent as they get closer to college time.
I re-familiarized myself on how to calculate a GPA. It is not too hard either. However, I did find a nice site to help with 'cumulative' GPA which I found very helpful. I put the link in my side bar, but I will also post the link here today.

I am so excited and find it hard to believe I am sitting here preparing a transcript for my Senior High son in preparation for college!! Wow. I am so grateful for being able to home school him through this time. Home schooling has really given us an advantage in preparing for college in many unique ways. I will admit, it was a struggle at times too. No school choice is easy. One is, in some way or another, strapped to whichever choice one's family has made. There are weaknesses on both sides that can be gained or lost as well. Raising kids is hard work no matter where they are! Well worth it though, I might add.

My boy knows the general area he wants to go into and has only a couple different ideas of where to go. I am thankful for that at this season in our lives. I am so excited to see what the Lord does here.
I will update you some more on college stuff some day soon.

Monday, January 18, 2010

bananagrams anyone?

For any of you that know me, I love games like everyone else, but I am no nut for scrabble. I hardly ever play it I am afraid. Not too long ago I discovered Boggle again and really love that. Then, one day, we played Bananagrams!! If you haven't jumped on this wagon yet, it is time to get going quickly. It is so addicting, fast paced, challenging, great for teaching (you know I couldn't resist that one).
Let me know how you like it!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

countdown to a cure....4 left!

I am so excited to report that we have only 4 more clinic days left! He still will have to continue on oral chemos until May 15th but clinic day will end prior to that. We have to plan for his port removal and other things.
I didn't tell you yet here, but we did that blood check 2 weeks from last clinic day because they wanted to increase his chemo. Do you remember me saying we have to recheck? Well, it was at just the right level that they made a small increase, thankfully he is tolerating that well.
Today things were similar in that they only increased his prednisone dose, but no chemo increase. They weren't high enough for that. This med, prednisone, can have some serious side effects like vascular necrosis which is death of blood flow and tissue in the joint areas in boys his age. Sometimes these kids are doing well or look good but this is the war raging inside of them as their bodies try to cope with such attacks on their system. Some of the boys I know have serious limps and can't even raise their arms above their heads.
By Mayo Clinic staff

Avascular necrosis is death of bone tissue due to a lack of blood supply. This can lead to tiny breaks in the bone and the bone's eventual collapse. Avascular necrosis most often affects the head of the thighbone (femur), causing hip pain. But it may affect other bones as well.

We made it out of there in decent time but had a horrible wait in the pharmacy. since they did not even start the new med order until after I came down to get it, then taking forever. Normally I pre-order all my refills and by the time I get down to the very slow pharmacy, they have it ready and we can get out of there pretty quick, but today was a real trial. This time though, the meds we needed had to be re-ordered by the doc, so I had them send it in ASAP, reminding them how slow they are down there.
They were remodeling the normal pharmacy so we had to go to another one. I used all the strength and pain free moments my feet had on getting us lunch today, so we took the little golf cart thing they have to pick you up , which was so nice. However, when I got there they hadn't even started filling his med order, telling me they have no way of knowing when it was sent! I suggested kindly that there be an easy way for clinic patient orders to let you know that they will be right down. If I had known they wouldn't start right away, I would have called them. Ugh. We keep learning these little things.
Since I couldn't go walking around, we were stuck there. Long lines, people coughing, boy tired, leaning on me, resting. We needed water badly. I was patient as people answer their phones talking loudly like no one else is in the room. The lady behind us complained loudly with a few ____ words despite my young child being there. I was sorry her doc didn't even get her order in, but most especially when her meds were filled before ours even though hers were called in after us and 'they were working on ours' so they said!
I must admit that by the time they finally called us I was a bit tearful. It was a long wait and I was tired. I thank the Lord for the ability to stay calm in this stress which I cannot say would have happened before I new Him. I was fine. I wiped my tears and we headed home.

I can't wait for May!!

Also, on a lighter note, don't forget an easy way the whole family can help others in need is to save those pop tabs. Let me know if you want me to take some up for you. The Ronald McDonald House uses these full aluminum tabs to raise money for their house where we and many other families have stayed for a very affordable price while their child is in the hospital. Also, if haven't lately, please go give some blood. When you are do, you are helping the many kids that are in treatment fighting cancer. We appreciate it greatly!
Many blessings to you all!

Monday, January 11, 2010

hello birdie

Here is a little photo my 10 year old son took the other day. I just thought it was sweet. He captured this from our kitchen window and I love everything about it including the natural soft sheen overlaying it.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

lemons into lemonade

Well, you all are going to laugh about what I did here. I was trying to hurry and make a baby blanket for my little new nephew. I only had until yesterday so it could travel on a plane with the grandmas that were going to visit him. I decided to make a hexagon granny blanket. I spent time making the cute little shapes just right and then noticed that I actually made a 5 sides granny!! Well, I didn't want to throw all that work away and fun scarves are so nice and 'in', so I just made lemonade out of those lemons. Here is my new scarf...ta da! I actually love it myself..what do you think?
Here is the real blanket I made for little nephew.

Is anyone else's blogger all messed up?? :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

my reads for 2009

I am pretty sure that I listed from the beginning of the year, but well, I don't remember for sure. I am pasting them here so I can access them if I need them. If there is a better way to provide a link to these, please tell me in my blogging ignorance! :)
the dragon reborn
animal vegetable miracle
fast food nation
this present darkness
jane eyre
green crafts for children
single crochet for beginners (excellent for the little ones)
sewing green
craft challenge: dozens of ways to repurspose a pillowcase
i love dirt
sew darn cute
doodle stitching
the creative family
the color of magic
making doll's house miniatures with polymer clay
a beginner's guide to the doll's house hobby
doll's house inspirations
Help Around the House: A mother's Guide to Getting the Family to Pitch in
The Office Clutter Cure
Weekend Makeover
Your Perfect Weight
Nourishing Traditions

Monday, January 4, 2010


I will now attempt to show you some crochet things I made prior to Christmas that I couldn't show you due to giving it away for some people. I tried to make most of my gifts this year since it is full of love and money is a bit tight. I hope everyone was feeling loved by them.

I made the little cousins home made girly bags with something cute in them.

This is a crazy crochet blanket that I made for my granny! I really love my sweet granny. She goes with us to the hospital when she can. We get together for meals and game playing etc. She and my mom camped out at my house when we lived out of town, waiting forever it seemed for B to be born and thankfully they were there when he finally arrived. I remember her popping her head in every few seconds and wondering where the midwife was!! Yes, it's true...they were late for our home birth and she had to walk outside and tell them..."it's a boy!!"

Don't worry, all was well. They arrived right after he was born and he was perfect if a little fast coming out.

Here she is getting cozy posing for me.

Here is more stripey goodness, like a river of flowing yarn.

I made many hats this year that are soft and furry.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

happy new year!!

I can't believe that I forgot to write this yesterday! We just got busy completely and utterly relaxing. When I started to think of something to do, I just turned it off and relaxed. We played games around the table. (Have you played Bananagrams yet??It's addicting) I am gearing up for getting order restored this weekend. The tree will come down and all the Christmas deco will go back into it's little red and green boxes. It's always sad to say goodbye, but how much would we love them if they were here all year? It feels good to clean it up.
My littles have been having a blast in all this snow! Don't you love those pink cheeks?

Here's a small list of things coming up for us this year:

WILL THE WEIGHT COME OFF? :) Glenn and I are sugar fasting in Jan. Pray for us.

You all have an excellent new year!


2015 Project (4) abundant blessings and thankfulness (31) adventures with two kitties (2) artzy (3) autoimmune disease (1) backyard (1) baking (2) binding quilt (1) birds (10) birthday blitz (22) blendtec (2) boyz tuff (10) braveheart (44) Braveheart in Heaven (35) braveheart memory (9) cancer (55) carz r kool (5) cats love to quilt too (6) Christmas blessings (10) churndash block (1) classical conversations (3) co-op (2) college (9) cooking (9) craftzy (13) Crochet Creations (1) crochetz (25) crock pot (4) daddy (6) damsel girl (63) Daughter's quilt (2) dollhouse (4) dylan (21) exchange student from Japan (3) family (43) father/son (6) favorite products (3) field trip (7) flashback friday (3) flowers (1) flying (6) free motion quilting (7) friendship (15) fundraiser (4) GAPS (1) garden (26) getting ready for transplant (8) gluten free (4) goals (2) grandma's the best (4) grieving (2) hand stitching (1) Hashimoto's Thyroididtis (1) healer (2) history (1) holiday (7) homemade (21) hypothyroidism (1) immune healing diet (11) juicing and raw foods (4) just musing (12) just sayin' (2) karate (2) keepers of the faith (5) kindle (3) learning adventures (36) life's a journey (1) machine quilting blog hop (3) MAGNANIMOUS (5) Magnanimous Photography (5) making it up as i go (1) marvelous milestones (31) milestones (1) mother/daughter (8) movie mania (3) music (14) nature (55) new beginnings (5) ninja boy (1) nutrition (15) organizing (5) photography (29) poetry (3) practice makes progress (2) project 2017 (1) quilt project 2017 (5) quilting (9) quilting project 2018 (3) reading adventures (38) recipe (12) recipe created by me (2) relapse (6) review (11) scouts (7) seasons (18) sewing (10) soft lovlies (1) spiritual (17) still life photography (1) T agent (25) teens (6) the kidletz (7) The Plan (27) thrifty (5) traditions (1) transplant journey (10) update (30) weight loss (21) wordless weds (22)


Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary of the American Language defines Magnanimity as such:
MAGNANIM'ITY, n. [L. magnanimitas; magnus, great, and animus, mind.] Greatness of mind; that elevation or dignity of soul, which encounters danger and trouble with tranquillity and firmness, which raises the possessor above revenge, and makes him delight in acts of benevolence, which makes him disdain injustice and meanness, and prompts him to sacrifice personal ease, interest and safety for the accomplishment of useful and noble objects.