I am fine tuning transcripts here! I have kept them up ever so casually over the last 3 1/2 years. Now I am preparing them for final preparedness to send to a potential future college school. It hasn't, honestly, been all that terribly hard to do. An extremely specialized school with many specialized needs might require different, extreme details. That can be produced if needed. I suppose that many kids would know that bent as they get closer to college time.
I re-familiarized myself on how to calculate a GPA. It is not too hard either. However, I did find a nice site to help with 'cumulative' GPA which I found very helpful. I put the link in my side bar, but I will also post the link here today.
I am so excited and find it hard to believe I am sitting here preparing a transcript for my Senior High son in preparation for college!! Wow. I am so grateful for being able to home school him through this time. Home schooling has really given us an advantage in preparing for college in many unique ways. I will admit, it was a struggle at times too. No school choice is easy. One is, in some way or another, strapped to whichever choice one's family has made. There are weaknesses on both sides that can be gained or lost as well. Raising kids is hard work no matter where they are! Well worth it though, I might add.
My boy knows the general area he wants to go into and has only a couple different ideas of where to go. I am thankful for that at this season in our lives. I am so excited to see what the Lord does here.
I will update you some more on college stuff some day soon.
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