Magnanimously homeschooling, worshiping, creating.......

Join us on a journey of faith, healing, learning to live with part of our hearts missing, and recovery, as our family rebuilds our lives, after our son's long battle with cancer....and his eventual rise on eagle's wings into Heaven...victory is his...he is serving the King!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

you can walk through the cloud of sad

There is a young teen girl here who is in her last days.  I have met her, while we were here for transplant in the fall.  Very nice family.  I remember the father the best as he was here the most at the same time as me anyway.  I talked with him occasionally, but do not know them super well.  Can't remember what type of cancer she has, but that she has had an amputation, I am quite sure.  I can picture her, where I introduced myself but I cannot see her facial features clearly. I don't like that. 

As I walk past the room, one can split the malaise, the sadness with a knife.  It is like a cloud one flies through in the sky but here in this hall and it is emotions. Loss.
 Even though I am covered, even though I have supernaturally been able to go on without internalizing these sad events while I care for my own recovering son, I am overwhelmed as I walk by and my heart wrenches and tears fill my lids.  I pray for them.  I offer my prayers. 
I hate cancer and I confess, in a quick flash of thought, that I hope that is not ever our family...

This is part of our life now. I am not depressed as I write this, but I will not ignore each death.  I will pray for the families. I will give honor to the one who is leaving us.  As much as I am able I will not let each little precious life be forgotten.  I am available if the Lord gives any opportunity to encourage them.

1 comment:

Beth in IL said...

Praying for you and that you can minister to those you meet.


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Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary of the American Language defines Magnanimity as such:
MAGNANIM'ITY, n. [L. magnanimitas; magnus, great, and animus, mind.] Greatness of mind; that elevation or dignity of soul, which encounters danger and trouble with tranquillity and firmness, which raises the possessor above revenge, and makes him delight in acts of benevolence, which makes him disdain injustice and meanness, and prompts him to sacrifice personal ease, interest and safety for the accomplishment of useful and noble objects.