I am so excited to report a productive visit to Iowa City for a regularly scheduled clinic day! His counts were up real high. I think I forgot to post here on last months just because we were admitted and things happened so fast. We held an increase in his chemo from last month, which is why his counts were soaring this time. Therefore, he has to have his chemo dosage increased now. He still isn't at 100% dosage for weight. I am glad he is high for his upcoming camping trip with dad and the boy scouts. I will relax more now knowing this, since the meds he received and will take over the next few days, may make him tire easily, sore or uncomfortable.
Torturously, he has asked me not to tell him the count down days...can you believe it..:) He wants to be surprised. I will try but it will be so hard! I want to shout it out to the heavens and all the earth every time I think about being done with this retched treatment.
Praying you rejoice with me and thanks for your cyber prayers.
Feel free to try to copy this photo and link it on your side bar if you want to. See if you can get it to work!
Yipee! I am praying for you girl!
Thanks Beth, you are so sweet!
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