This is mainly the younger group here. Some of the moms are learning too. (I wish I could) There is even a piano accompaniment. Very fun, very organized, measured tasks for helping each level learn and improve. Always, they start from beginner on up to more experienced practices.
Do you see that pink string with candy at the end dangling, right there on the above photo on the right? Look carefully now. That is just another clever little scenario devised to help the littles point their violin correctly.
I am amazed. I am impressed. I am inspired! As I sit there watching, humming along, learning with her I am feeling tingly in my brain! It's true. That is why I called it group violin brain massage. Even with the littles playing, it is astounding how lovely they sound. I just close my eyes and relax.
The oldies play with them, for them and in response to their requests as they learn notes, pitch, bow length. Did I say how much I love this Suzuki method? Did I say how much I love this teacher and how she teaches? Did I say how grateful I am for us to be here?
Have a great weekend, play some music and massage your brain!!
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