I am sending out a fun challenge to you all to come along with me and read through the book of Proverbs with your kidlets! It is just packed with so much wisdom and fuel for excellent discussion and conversation. Recently I was seeing some heart issues that needed working on and realized I haven't read through this in detail with my little ones in some time. I try to do it every year but I think most of you know what my last year or so has entailed to some extent, so that just slipped by.
You don't have to do anything fancy or get a book to go with it, just sit down while your kids are eating breakfast or when they are done, don't wait until the kitchen is clean, it kills the extra blessing of it; just READ IT!!
Don't worry if you miss a day or have to cut it in half or if you don't get it done in a month..no matter; just READ IT!!
Say a little prayer, talk about what some of them mean, look your kids in the eye and talk about God's word. It is so simple and yet the greatest investment you can make in your kids lives..better than college or camp or sports, even school or anything else.
Send me a note if you plan on going along for the ride.
May you be blessed through the adventure as I am already.
We are going to try to pick out verses to memorize too. Here is our first one. The kids just love the way that verse sounds. Isn't it so lovely??
Proverbs 3:3 Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart.
Hey girl! I was just thinking of you. Yep. Proverbs is a great read aloud with the kids. It always opens doors to discussions about life.
Beautiful memory verse! Thanks for the challenge.
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