February was a busy month for us. It's not looking to slow yet either but we have a break from organized sports so that is nice. Braveheart had his monthly appt. in Feb. and all is looking well so far. I asked about what the chances are for relapse after his treatment is done and they said there is no rhyme or reason as to how soon it would happen or if it will at all. The only sure thing is that the longer he goes without it showing up, the lesser the risk. Well, I am not sure but I guess that is reassuring...but we are holding out for all things positive and beating this beast. Studies have shown that real people that were healthy and were told they were going to die, actually died within 6 months!! The power of the mind and prayer (which are deeply connected) is unbelievable! God made our brains so that they have an amazing potential. Isn't He awesome?!!
It is also a big month for Dance Marathon which is a big event each year at the Hospital. We have a representative from the school that dances for us and these are always students. They dance all night and each makes a special pillow case for the event, representing their family, to be hung on the wall for all to see. It's really neat, but sadly,we couldn't make it this year, but our girl Mallory, HI MALLORY, was there and she met us the same month at his appt. Yes, I did take my camera but just plain forgot to pull it out and so did she. :) We'll try again. Here is the pillow she made for him. Isn't it cute?
We'll be back for our next appt. in March. We are excited that our boy is holding his own on this schedule very well so far
Thank you Lord!
1 comment:
Yes! PTL...fine young man you have there!
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