Over the years my most consistent bible devotion with the kids has been reading aloud in good bible books. Just a little taste every day. I have circulated through a few good ones since D was little. It is satisfying to be at a stage in my homeschooling career to be repeating some of them. We will revisit this one now. It is full of rich illustrations. 'A' was quite young when last this was out.
Let me encourage you with simple. I like simple. You may have entered a more involved/ intense season of devotions with your child as they have gotten older, but wherever you are in your devotion season it is good to just be in the word. In my younger days, with little nursing babes, I used to feel overwhelmed about teaching my children's devotions. That's when I started this simplistic but oh so fruitful plan. As I read each day to them, God taught me more about Him. I was able to show Him to my kids in their daily lives and how to behave toward one another. There is a guidebook for parenting after all!! All the bells and whistles are nice and if you can swing it, then go to town, please. There will be a time to dig deeper and a time to be simple, but the Lord impressed upon my heart that just hearing His word on a consistent, truth giving basis and then living out what you've learned in your daily lives, truly builds mountains into the spiritual lives of ones children.
I am excited to reopen this book with my younger clan and then we will shift into another favorite that will be perfect for all three younger ones.... the child's story bible by Vos. This is one of the first real large story bibles I began reading to my children when D was little and I was a new Christian. It is a favorite. I couldn't believe how much I learned right along with them. A very special Titus woman-friend gave me her old beat up version after hearing that I longed to get my own copy. Back then money was super tight. I still have that book with it's duck tape binding. It is precious to us all.Thanks Patty!
How wonderful! What a great accomplishment. Your consistency will greatly benefit your children. They cannot be on fire for a God you do not worship in truth and Leading Little Ones to God conveys the His truths so clearly. I am convicted and encouraged. Thanks for sharing!
isn't it a wonderful privilege to share God's word with our kids? those are my favorite Bible resources for kids as well.
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