Magnanimously homeschooling, worshiping, creating.......

Join us on a journey of faith, healing, learning to live with part of our hearts missing, and recovery, as our family rebuilds our lives, after our son's long battle with cancer....and his eventual rise on eagle's wings into Heaven...victory is his...he is serving the King!!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

multiplication blank grid

I wanted to share a link with you for a multiplication blank grid. I decided to have my kids do some math fact drills on a blank grid. This one was easy to print out. As you can see there are many to chose from. With this we can time ourselves in filling it out. Damsel really enjoys this! Have fun.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

let the Christmas season begin!!

Another family tradition complete. The Christmas CD's are out and playing. What memories...what joy, preparing and praising Him, the One who is the reason for this awesome season.
College boy was here this weekend. Dad is taking him home as I write. It was a good Thanksgiving weekend. One, also, that makes me want to have a more specific 'plan' for college boy to follow when he returns for his Christmas break! You know, the kind where he will know what is expected but he will not feel bossed around like the other kids. One that will, hopefully, limit mom's reminders, while he earns his food and drink, if you know what I mean!! I was even thinking of listing his responsibilities and signing an 'agreement'. Why?, do you wonder? Was the weekend a bust? A disaster? NO...not at all, but you mom's of college kids may already be versed in the role confusion of a child who is still not 100% out of the nest but is quite grown up on their own most of the year! This is new territory here. If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them. I am looking forward to a wonderful Christmas break with him, coming up real soon!

How are your Christmas decoratings coming?

Also, lots of musings and planning for homeschooling next quarter...mmmm.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

happy thanksgiving 2010

What a difference this Thanksgiving meal is compared to last year. Although still not 100% healed, I can say that my feet are so much better and are truly a big step continued in the right direction. This is where I cannot be lazy. I must be diligent with my stretches and foot support, etc. This year for the first time in so many years I cannot even remember, my mama won't be with us. She went out to visit with my sister and her family. My granny is going to stay with some other family and swing in later..hopefully in enough time to play some table games. My In Laws are coming and two of my hubby's siblings, so I am getting this done here without my mama and it is going very well. Prayers have been answered and steps taken to keep my feet well. Prayers answered here. Simple is the word of the day here.

Above is my homemade, fresh ground spelt flour coffee cake..yum!

I am making the turkey, it smells so good and providing the green bean casserole, mash potatoes and celery with cream cheese 'stuff'.
Family is bringing sweet potato casserole, fruit salad, roles and pies!

Have a great Thanksgiving you all! Blessings to you!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

frosting fun

I really love making homemade frosting and what girl doesn't like to decorate with it??

Thursday, November 18, 2010


to our only precious girl!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

19 years!!!

I know I have already shown this photo. You're right, I need to get a new one you know...but here we are from last year but still just as cute, married for 19 really does get better if you keep hanging on for the whole ride...thank you Lord for blessing me with this long marriage to a faithful, hard working, steady man!

Monday, November 15, 2010

you deliver me....

I have accidentally discovered that Selah put out this new album..I fell in love..I already love these guys and next thing I know I hear about them everywhere...take a listen to this may become hooked like me!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


2015 Project (4) abundant blessings and thankfulness (31) adventures with two kitties (2) artzy (3) autoimmune disease (1) backyard (1) baking (2) binding quilt (1) birds (10) birthday blitz (22) blendtec (2) boyz tuff (10) braveheart (44) Braveheart in Heaven (35) braveheart memory (9) cancer (55) carz r kool (5) cats love to quilt too (6) Christmas blessings (10) churndash block (1) classical conversations (3) co-op (2) college (9) cooking (9) craftzy (13) Crochet Creations (1) crochetz (25) crock pot (4) daddy (6) damsel girl (63) Daughter's quilt (2) dollhouse (4) dylan (21) exchange student from Japan (3) family (43) father/son (6) favorite products (3) field trip (7) flashback friday (3) flowers (1) flying (6) free motion quilting (7) friendship (15) fundraiser (4) GAPS (1) garden (26) getting ready for transplant (8) gluten free (4) goals (2) grandma's the best (4) grieving (2) hand stitching (1) Hashimoto's Thyroididtis (1) healer (2) history (1) holiday (7) homemade (21) hypothyroidism (1) immune healing diet (11) juicing and raw foods (4) just musing (12) just sayin' (2) karate (2) keepers of the faith (5) kindle (3) learning adventures (36) life's a journey (1) machine quilting blog hop (3) MAGNANIMOUS (5) Magnanimous Photography (5) making it up as i go (1) marvelous milestones (31) milestones (1) mother/daughter (8) movie mania (3) music (14) nature (55) new beginnings (5) ninja boy (1) nutrition (15) organizing (5) photography (29) poetry (3) practice makes progress (2) project 2017 (1) quilt project 2017 (5) quilting (9) quilting project 2018 (3) reading adventures (38) recipe (12) recipe created by me (2) relapse (6) review (11) scouts (7) seasons (18) sewing (10) soft lovlies (1) spiritual (17) still life photography (1) T agent (25) teens (6) the kidletz (7) The Plan (27) thrifty (5) traditions (1) transplant journey (10) update (30) weight loss (21) wordless weds (22)


Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary of the American Language defines Magnanimity as such:
MAGNANIM'ITY, n. [L. magnanimitas; magnus, great, and animus, mind.] Greatness of mind; that elevation or dignity of soul, which encounters danger and trouble with tranquillity and firmness, which raises the possessor above revenge, and makes him delight in acts of benevolence, which makes him disdain injustice and meanness, and prompts him to sacrifice personal ease, interest and safety for the accomplishment of useful and noble objects.