Magnanimously homeschooling, worshiping, creating.......

Join us on a journey of faith, healing, learning to live with part of our hearts missing, and recovery, as our family rebuilds our lives, after our son's long battle with cancer....and his eventual rise on eagle's wings into Heaven...victory is his...he is serving the King!!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

doing ok...

this one is off at college now, attending his second day of classes...he seems to be doing ok..
here he is probably thinking excitedly about this being the last burning job he has to do for awhile...:)

We are starting to miss you......

This boy is inheriting the major part of mowing of the yard...'mom, can I make a checkers pattern in the grass?' sure...why not.....


look at this fella...he is 3 months out from his last chemo...look what he can do now!

It is such a good, simple, wonderful pleasure to see him out here, staying out here, hangin' with the sibs...having energy...feeling better, thinking better...getting some real school work done this year so far...

We are so thankful. If you could please pray, we have CT scans this week. I am feeling fine really. Sometimes I feel a little nervous. I felt sure that God told me He had real plans to heal this boy...I have trusted and rested in this...but there are times when a test to look inside makes me cringe a little. Other times cancer is just a word to me. It means nothing at all, not scary like it seems to be out there...selfishly, I think to myself..'I don't know if I can do this again' I don't know if B can do this again..but then I just look up and ask God to keep carrying me..He is in control...He always does...He is so good...
ya see..He loves us...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

leaving the nest......

Father son good bye photo...

Study hard at college...:)

Dylan with granny.
Good bye my're not far, we'll see you soon, we love you.

I have some photos with me but my mom forgot to mail them to me so I will post those later...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

What a weekend!

wedding reception.....

50th birthday party....

sweet baby feet at baby shower...

making pretty hair for damsel....

starting school last week.......

Recently, we had one of those crazy weekends with so many things going on that even when you cut some out you are still flowing along like crazy. Here was a glimpse of some events. Now we get ready to send our oldest out of the nest.....

Friday, August 20, 2010

2009/10 school year read aloud list

  • understood betsy (A)
  • the long patrol
  • the doll house (mom daughter)
  • little town on the prairie
  • the small war of sergeant donkey
  • the spy who came in from the sea
  • mercedes and the chocolate pilot
  • pictures at an exhibition
  • bach's goldberg variations
  • gone away lake
  • four-story mistake
  • the saturdays
  • going through proverbs
  • on the edge of the dark sea of darkness
  • hittie and her first hundred years
  • egg and chickens
  • waiting for anya
  • Twig
  • my secret camera
  • a new coat for anna
  • the greatest skating race
  • stopping by woods on a snowy evening
  • a doll's house
  • Snowflake Bently
  • Racketty~Packetty House
  • The Hundred Dresses
  • The Children's Illustrated Bible
  • Boyhood and Beyond

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

starting school!

plans have been made.... (some still tidying up)
afterall, it is me...

desks are being prepared...

books being organized...

college boys looking studious....:)

flowers being picked from the was a test for the kiddos, give me ten minutes and stay focused..they did!! I know I left the susans out in the sun to long..they look tired but oh it is pretty on the table...zinnias are my favorite flower...

me playing with my camera...the batteries died as I took the one to show you my tomato harvest..

first day good, I am encouraged, a little brain fried but see the routine taking some incentives for careful attentive work....

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

face painting fun

Well, I had one of those big coupons and invested in a book for damsel to keep busy with the rest of this summer. You know those Klutz books? This one is face painting and she is able to be very artzy and creative with this book and the paints are so much nicer than the cheapies one usually buys at the discount store. Washes off very easy too. She put up signs selling her artwork. Above is her work on my hand! Fun!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

tasty lemon blueberry loaf

I used a recipe from my friends blog, only I used spelt flour and raw sugar. It was very tasty.

Monday, August 2, 2010

summer so far again...

I finally learned how to use my juicer which I didn't want to learn before but now feel VERY led to get on it so I can really help heal my body! If you get time try to read this book about juicing. You will learn some new surprising facts and it is a quick read. These veggies are from my garden or farmer's market.

Flowers from Aldi, only $4 and aren't they gorgeous??? I love to brighten the room. Not many to really pick from my own garden when I got these last week.

Found this a few weeks ago for our school room at Good Will, furniture was half off, retro, excellent condition and it SWIVELS!! If you know me, you know I have a strange weakness for chairs that swivel. I think I paid $3 something.

My pilot mom, being interviewed again for the Wanna Be a Pilot weekend! Wish I got photos of the cool jet plane and the Chinook helicopter!

Finally found a new place to pick our own blueberries. I only had two helpers available that day so couldn't get as many as we wanted. Our old place, just never can get in there now. This one you pick and just weigh and drop your check in the bucket...quite lovely. Braveheart adores these fresh picked ones over the frozen and they're local and cancer fighting!! A must have in this house. I froze them and they are almost gone already. I hope to get enough for the year next time.


2015 Project (4) abundant blessings and thankfulness (31) adventures with two kitties (2) artzy (3) autoimmune disease (1) backyard (1) baking (2) binding quilt (1) birds (10) birthday blitz (22) blendtec (2) boyz tuff (10) braveheart (44) Braveheart in Heaven (35) braveheart memory (9) cancer (55) carz r kool (5) cats love to quilt too (6) Christmas blessings (10) churndash block (1) classical conversations (3) co-op (2) college (9) cooking (9) craftzy (13) Crochet Creations (1) crochetz (25) crock pot (4) daddy (6) damsel girl (63) Daughter's quilt (2) dollhouse (4) dylan (21) exchange student from Japan (3) family (43) father/son (6) favorite products (3) field trip (7) flashback friday (3) flowers (1) flying (6) free motion quilting (7) friendship (15) fundraiser (4) GAPS (1) garden (26) getting ready for transplant (8) gluten free (4) goals (2) grandma's the best (4) grieving (2) hand stitching (1) Hashimoto's Thyroididtis (1) healer (2) history (1) holiday (7) homemade (21) hypothyroidism (1) immune healing diet (11) juicing and raw foods (4) just musing (12) just sayin' (2) karate (2) keepers of the faith (5) kindle (3) learning adventures (36) life's a journey (1) machine quilting blog hop (3) MAGNANIMOUS (5) Magnanimous Photography (5) making it up as i go (1) marvelous milestones (31) milestones (1) mother/daughter (8) movie mania (3) music (14) nature (55) new beginnings (5) ninja boy (1) nutrition (15) organizing (5) photography (29) poetry (3) practice makes progress (2) project 2017 (1) quilt project 2017 (5) quilting (9) quilting project 2018 (3) reading adventures (38) recipe (12) recipe created by me (2) relapse (6) review (11) scouts (7) seasons (18) sewing (10) soft lovlies (1) spiritual (17) still life photography (1) T agent (25) teens (6) the kidletz (7) The Plan (27) thrifty (5) traditions (1) transplant journey (10) update (30) weight loss (21) wordless weds (22)


Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary of the American Language defines Magnanimity as such:
MAGNANIM'ITY, n. [L. magnanimitas; magnus, great, and animus, mind.] Greatness of mind; that elevation or dignity of soul, which encounters danger and trouble with tranquillity and firmness, which raises the possessor above revenge, and makes him delight in acts of benevolence, which makes him disdain injustice and meanness, and prompts him to sacrifice personal ease, interest and safety for the accomplishment of useful and noble objects.