How can we express how truly excited we are??We are
racing to a cure! I think just knowing how close we are to being done is really perking Braveheart up like crazy. We saw a friend at clinic today that was in for his very last vincristine treatment and boy did we praise God and rejoice with them! They've been 3 long years of this. What a toll this does take on ones life physically, financially and emotionally. I can just feel my stress melting away as we get closer and the healing my body is really trying hard to do. I think this weather really helps right folks? Not to mention all the prayers which hold us up so well.
Today's visit went great, thanks for praying, it was quick and smooth. B didn't feel good for a little while but he perked up when he ate lunch and we both indulged in a 10 minute chair massage. Mmmm...it was great. We both really needed that.
Next month on the 29th will be his very last clinic day with chemo. This will be a very full day and likely Glenn (daddy) is going to take off work, maybe Grandma Diane too and come up to IC for the day. We are going to see if Dylan can get out of his college class without it messing him up, so we can all go together as a family. This day will be a big one for B. He will have to have some tests to serve as a baseline as he comes off his treatment.
He will get no food after midnight the night before, then his last chemo in his port, then get a bone marrow biopsy (long needle into bone) then will get food and go down for a CT scan (he does not have to have a PET scan since he has no signs that worry them)then he will meet with the surgeons for a pre-op exam so that when he comes back for his next visit he will have his port taken out right away!!
Ok, I just have to thank my friend JoLayne for offering to help me plan for B's END OF TREATMENT PARTY.( ETP ) Please mark your calendars but I will let you know when it is in full stone but so far it is going to be Sunday June 6th. Finding the right date was a challenge so we are going for it. Details will be coming. Pray for me as I have a graduate to plan for as well.
I also must thank my dear friend Lynn who is a natural cleany/ organized type and she drove 100 miles to come help me organize my house. After this last 2 years, I needed some help with this skill (not my gift) and with my sore feet, I could never have done it without her continuing when I had to put my feet up. We went through the whole kitchen head to toe and gave away numerous bags of 'stuff'.This has been such a blessing to me. I can't express it enough and feel thankful for the gift of Christian love, friendship and support. Thanks Lynn. I have been going through all kinds of other rooms and closets. Bye the way, she is coming back to help me with another very needy room next week!!
If you get some extra time, go give some blood, please. You never know when your kids might need it!! Go for all the kids. Just go!! :)
Sometimes I feel like I have been waiting forever but here it is! Thank you all and most of all our dear Savior for carrying us along. He is so good.
Psalm 27:14
Wait for the LORD;Be strong and let your heart take courage;Yes, wait for the LORD.